Been doing a little Twittering, but not much because I left my cell phone AND laptop chargers in Orlando... Paying my credit card bill over dial-up at Kait's dad's house right now... Been having a good time in Maine. The first day I got here, I was running on 3 hours sleep (not conting airplane time), and we went to two adjoining 4J parties, one with Beer Die (like Beer Pong with a 6-sided die) and an old black woman shouting "Point! Point! Drink! Drink!" Then there was another party with free beer and a keg of PBR - it always tastes better free....
It started raining about 15 mins before fireworks were meant to start, so they started them immediately. We were up on a hill, so we just walked down a bit until there was a break in the trees and watched (mostly dry) under a tree... We also had PFA cheese platters and Pizza at an italian place down the hill with Kait's flatmate's brother and best friend and mom and her best friend. Don't try to sort it out, it only get wierder when we learned that Kyle's old roomate used to date Kait's sister before he came out...
The next day we (skipped over a few details and) made our way back to Portland to check out some shops and handcrafted beers (video coming soon). We were meant to go on a Whale Watch today in Kennebunkport (that's where George H Bush's house is), but it was rained out, so we watched Ratatouile instead (awesome, Brad Bird is the man) and went for lobster at a not-so swell place (agian, video coming soon).
This weekend we're visitng Kait's friend in Mass. and busing it down to NYC - should arrive on Sunday night, where we'll be laying our heads in Queens until Thursday or so... on the list of places to visit are coffee with Loren Felman, interviews with Fractured Atlas, some Broadway shows (not sure what, as long as they're cheap), some drinking, eating, dancing? etc....
Then it's off to Boston until Sunday, when I return home, because the next Florida Creatives Happy Hour is Monday the 16th at Crooked Bayou. A whistelstop tour of New England, and I must say, it's delicious sofar.
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