Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

For Post's Sake!

Tue, 04/22/2008 - 17:30 -- rprice

Feeling like I haven't blogged in a while, so here are some things that have happened.

I saw (and played a bit at) an awesome marathon show by marc. with a c. on Saturday at Stardust. I used to be in the band, and I remain a fan. Marc just released his latest album, Linda Lovelace for President, on Amazon MP3, official plastic + DVD due out this summer.

We had a super-awesome Florida Creatives Happy Hour last night - HUGE thanks to all the first-timers, and of course our repeat offenders. If you haven't seen or registered for the new site yet, surf on over and create a group, get organized, or otherwise try to toss some useful information in there.

Went to an inaugural Refresh Central Florida and Orlando PHP group (seperately). Refresh may or may not be the "tech association" that everyone has been hububbing about - there was talk of turning it into a "United Arts for Geeks", supporting local groups and individuals. Actually, I was thinking of using United Arts as a channel to have a Florida Creatives professional grant that gets specified in all the same ways the regular UA grants go, just sponsored by us.

Things have been going gangbusters for pet dating site in the last few weeks our US ranking for Alexa is hovering around 100K (we're more like 400K globally). We're currently on the second page of Google for "Internet Pets", but not too high for "pet dating", hence the googlebombing you may or may not want to participate in... ha!

We're planning a downtown Orlando photowalk as part of an episode for OrlandoScene.TV - this will be either May 10th or 11th, barring weather, number of RSVPs and other factors. Bring your SLR and your eyes. We'll be doing interviews with photographers and linking to photosets and whatnot. The idea is to get a little co-promotion on, and get a hold of some much-needed production stills for Orlando Scene. In the AXIS Mag article, well, globe with a network cable... yikes.

Did I mention the kick-ass Drupal meetup we had last week? That was a fun time. I signed up to talk about Drupal Theming with Zen and... I think Views sometime this summer, but I know for certain that our next meetup will be held May 17th in Maitland. Check the Florida Drupal Group page for more info.

Ah, let's not forget Likemind - we ARE still doing that - now we're back at Panera Bread by Lake Eola. The next one of those should be May 16th. I have a picture of that somewhere... check the Ryan Price and the Media feed for those bonus Flickr pics you get in there from time to time.

I'm sure I'm missing lots and lots and lots. I have been SO busy lately.

BTW, over at Bonnier (the makers of PopSci) we're hiring a MySQL Admin. If you are an experienced database administrator, or you have several years of experience with MySQL, send us an email.

P.S. I almost forgot! If you like the movie Clue, Improv Comedy, theatre, mystery, games, or if you're my friend then you MUST MUST go and see "Murder We Wrote" over at Rollins College this weekend. YOU WILL THANK ME.


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