Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

BarCamp people can Learn from Dead Chickens

Mon, 04/13/2009 - 04:34 -- rprice

While I was at DrupalCon DC I went to a session about how to give a presentation. Emma Jane Hogbin had a slide where she was talking about different presentation styles, and she brought up "Selena talks dead chickens". With some creative googling, I discovered that the presentation was from Ignite Portland, and that someone had videotaped it.

This is why you have to love events like Pecha Kucha Night and Ignite - people will present on any subject, as long as it fits the time limit. At the same time, they are almost always very personal and gripping.

We have a BarCamp coming up in Orlando this weekend, and I'm really looking forward to what everyone comes up with this year. While I will really enjoy yet another OAuth session, I'm wondering who will be the "dead chickens" of #barcamporlando.


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Your Tweet intrigued. Now I see you've set the bar pretty darn high, Ryan. I wish I were in Orlando to see someone try to top monoxidizing domestic fowl. Dang, that'd be a night.