Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

October 2014 Posts

One Year Away

Tue, 10/21/2014 - 12:26 -- rprice

It's been a year since I posted anything on this site. Here are a few updates:

  1. I'm looking for a full time job. I'm kind of over the freelancer's life, though there are things I love about it.
  2. I'm still podcasting, at DrupalEasy and Our Yellow House, and I would love to keep doing Bringing Art and Technology Together though I'm looking for a co-host.
  3. Urban ReThink has been closed for about a year. It feels strange still. Coworking has exploded in Orlando since then. Factur, Canvs and Catalyst
  4. We hosted a successtul show at Orlando Fringe, CraigsLUST: A Sexploration - there are some videos if you want a taste of what it was like.
  5. I've been doing pottery since about the day I wrote this post. I've made a bunch of fun stuff. Photos to follow. Some are on Flickr in this album and this album.
  6. We are nearing the next phase on The Right Service at the RIght Time.
  7. Proctors is still happening. Including the Maquee on the front of the building.

Proctors Marquee

So proud!


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