A modernized film noire detective story. Project Black and White follows the story of Terry Hensen, a private detective who is hired to help a man find his lost wife and kid. Terry soon finds himself surrounded by lies and deceit as an underworld of drugs and crime washes over him. We've worked hard to include tropes and nods to classic noire films, such as character archetypes "The hard-boiled detective", "the Mentor", "the Femme Fatale", and devices like the internal monologue, brooding jazz music etc. The Form This story is told through a style of interactive performance, called a simu-life (Simulated Life). In it, a volunteer steps up to literally live the role of the main character. This volunteer gets to experience the whole story, in real time, and in real locations. For project Black and White, Terry is being played by that volunteer, not an actor. The rest of the supporting cast, are all improvisational interactors. These actors are helping portray the scene realistically as the Volunteer wants to live it out. The decisions made by the volunteer change where the story goes, and the cast is always ready to adapt at a moment's notice. Using High Definition PTZ Cameras, GoPro Cameras, and audio recording equipment hidden throughout the scenes, the technical department will follow the action as it unfolds, from a concealed location. The goal is to never break curtain for the volunteer, in order to make their experience as realistic as possible. This is a form similar to the one featured in the movie "The Truman Show" starring Jim Carry. The main difference is, in project Black &White, the volunteer knows they are being filmed, and agrees to participate knowing it beforehand.