Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities A Tale of Tales Interview on Sunset

Tue, 04/21/2015 - 09:42 -- rprice

I think it feels at once calm and hectic, removed and immersed. The entire situation is set up as this duality - so, for example, the tasteful interior of the apartment offers a haven for the threatening hostility of the city, but no protection. You visit the apartment every week, while the owner is out. You get a short list of housekeeping tasks to do. But there are also other activities that are not on the list. And you're entirely free to choose what you do. There's no victory or failure conditions in Sunset, but everything you do nudges the narrative a little bit. And you only have a limited time to do your work, as well - so when the sun sets, you have to leave and come back the next day, when new activities will be available. Every time, the apartment changes - sometimes subtly, sometimes drastically. Many tasks take time to do. So often you will have to choose which things you will do before the sun sets. Everybody's experience will be different. Strictly speaking, you could run through the entire game, going up and down the elevator, without doing a thing. You would still get the basic storyline... but it's only by interacting with the environment that you'll have a deep understanding of how the protagonists live through the events.