Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


The Art and Practice of Content Assembly: Where IA and CMS Meet

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 10:43 -- rprice

You don’t find many sites of any significant size using just one method of assembly. Most sites use dozens, and there’s often confusion between the methods – you do use Method X for Menu X and Method Y for List Y and Method Z for Topic Page Z. Except on every simple sites, it often gets messy quickly. Sadly, There is no Grand Unified Theory of Making Stuff Appear Together in Some Location. If only.


The Art and Practice of Content Assembly: Where IA and CMS Meet

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 10:43 -- rprice

You don’t find many sites of any significant size using just one method of assembly. Most sites use dozens, and there’s often confusion between the methods – you do use Method X for Menu X and Method Y for List Y and Method Z for Topic Page Z. Except on every simple sites, it often gets messy quickly. Sadly, There is no Grand Unified Theory of Making Stuff Appear Together in Some Location. If only.


Drupal 8: Happy, but not satisfied | GarfieldTech

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 10:42 -- rprice

I am not satisfied with our REST support. Ironic given my role, but there you go. Core's REST support is orders of magnitude better than Drupal 7's, but we didn't go far enough. Despite our best efforts Drupal 8 not truly a REST-first system. Some of that is simple hindsight being 20/20; there's a number of things I would have recommended we do differently had I known 2 years ago what I know now, mostly around decoupling storage and serialization.


Drupal 8: Happy, but not satisfied | GarfieldTech

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 10:42 -- rprice

I am not satisfied with our REST support. Ironic given my role, but there you go. Core's REST support is orders of magnitude better than Drupal 7's, but we didn't go far enough. Despite our best efforts Drupal 8 not truly a REST-first system. Some of that is simple hindsight being 20/20; there's a number of things I would have recommended we do differently had I known 2 years ago what I know now, mostly around decoupling storage and serialization.


Drupal 8: Happy, but not satisfied | GarfieldTech

Mon, 12/07/2015 - 10:42 -- rprice

I am not satisfied with our REST support. Ironic given my role, but there you go. Core's REST support is orders of magnitude better than Drupal 7's, but we didn't go far enough. Despite our best efforts Drupal 8 not truly a REST-first system. Some of that is simple hindsight being 20/20; there's a number of things I would have recommended we do differently had I known 2 years ago what I know now, mostly around decoupling storage and serialization.


Drupal, A thesis. | DPE

Mon, 11/23/2015 - 09:15 -- rprice

Structured Anarchy was describing the structure of the community that organized around Drupal. That there seemed to be chaos and disorder, yet some how everyone was able to build these amazing systems with limited effort and resources. As I started to go through the interview data though, I happened upon a different concept. I wanted to analyze where this community came from, because everyone talked about community but never identified who that entailed. What caused this vibrant community to emerge that keeps this chaos managable?


Drupal, A thesis. | DPE

Mon, 11/23/2015 - 09:15 -- rprice

Structured Anarchy was describing the structure of the community that organized around Drupal. That there seemed to be chaos and disorder, yet some how everyone was able to build these amazing systems with limited effort and resources. As I started to go through the interview data though, I happened upon a different concept. I wanted to analyze where this community came from, because everyone talked about community but never identified who that entailed. What caused this vibrant community to emerge that keeps this chaos managable?


When will media be ready for Drupal 8? | Janez Urevc

Mon, 11/23/2015 - 09:11 -- rprice

Smaller pieces are easier to maintain. Independent components with clear focus are useful even outside of media. Components can be shared among many media solutions which simplifies development and maintenance. Media can re-use components that might already exist in the community.



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