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How I Explained REST to My Wife

Tue, 06/19/2012 - 13:02 -- rprice

Machines don't have a universal noun - that's why they suck. Every programming language, database, or other kind of system has a different way of talking about nouns. That's why the URL is so important. It let's all of these systems tell each other about each other's nouns.

Wife: But when I'm looking at a web page, I don't think of it like that.

Ryan: Nobody does. Except Fielding and handful of other people. That's why machines still suck.

Wife: What about verbs and pronouns and adjectives?


Apache v2.4 Released : The Apache Software Foundation Blog

Tue, 02/21/2012 - 11:00 -- rprice

Numerous enhancements make Apache HTTP Server v2.4 ideally suited for Cloud environments. They include:
• Improved performance (lower resource utilization and better concurrency)
• Reduced memory usage
• Asyncronous I/O support
• Dynamic reverse proxy configuration
• Performance on par, or better, than pure event-driven Web servers
• More granular timeout and rate/resource limiting capability
• More finely-tuned caching support, tailored for high traffic servers and proxies.

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