21 Things to Eat in New Orleans | New Orleans Food - PureWow
Top 10 used hooks in Drupal 6 and 7 contrib modules
If you are a developer, you probably heard about all of them. However, you may also be surprised of this ordering and thought a bit differently as to which ones are most used. So let’s see what they are and what they do - from number 10 down.
Top 10 used hooks in Drupal 6 and 7 contrib modules
If you are a developer, you probably heard about all of them. However, you may also be surprised of this ordering and thought a bit differently as to which ones are most used. So let’s see what they are and what they do - from number 10 down.
Portland Theatre Scene | #tba15 @P_I_C_A #CriticalMascara
Portland Theatre Scene is a curated view of what’s interesting in Portland performance – mainly via the blog. It does not attempt to provide a comprehensive listing of what’s on in town. See this full list of all Portland theatre companies. Marvel at a selective list of stuff coming up you don’t want to miss. Want to know what shows I’ll be seeing in future, or what I’ve seen in the past? Here is your destination.
Portland Theatre Scene | #tba15 @P_I_C_A #CriticalMascara
Portland Theatre Scene is a curated view of what’s interesting in Portland performance – mainly via the blog. It does not attempt to provide a comprehensive listing of what’s on in town. See this full list of all Portland theatre companies. Marvel at a selective list of stuff coming up you don’t want to miss. Want to know what shows I’ll be seeing in future, or what I’ve seen in the past? Here is your destination.
9 truths that computer programmers know that most people don't.
9. Just as you're usually not impressed when we brag about how much we know about computers, we're not impressed when you brag about how little you know about them.
The Top 10 Web Design Mistakes of 1999
1. Breaking or Slowing Down the Back Button 2. Opening New Browser Windows 3. Non-Standard Use of GUI Widgets 4. Lack of Biographies 5. Lack of Archives 6. Moving Pages to New URLs 7. Headlines That Make No Sense Out of Context 8. Jumping at the Latest Internet Buzzword 9. Slow Server Response Times 10. Anything That Looks Like Advertising
100 Interesting Data Sets for Statistics
archive of 216,930 past Jeopardy questions last words of every Texas inmate executed since 1984 data on prisoners, including information about “their current offense and sentence, criminal history, family background and personal characteristics, prior drug and alcohol use and treatment programs, gun possession and use, and prison activities, programs, and services” the Enron corpus. It contains more than half a million emails from about 150 users, mostly senior management of Enron, organized into folders.
Festivals - Life's A Funny Scene by Kiley Peters | Life's A Funny Scene by Kiley Peters
Everyone wants to get more stage time, but sometimes it’s hard to figure out where to submit and when and why. Here are some major comedy festivals and all their submission dates.