Five basic principles for Drupal UI's that anyone can follow | Bryan Braun
1. Always use description text 2. Keep things contextual 3. Preview 4. Undo 5. Improve the default form elements.
1. Always use description text 2. Keep things contextual 3. Preview 4. Undo 5. Improve the default form elements.
This module is a CCK formatter allowing users to pick one or more dates (from a date, datetime or datestamp CCK field) similar to the Doodle online service. The main features of this module are: The ability set date ranges (like 26/12/2009 17:00 - 19:00) The results are stored using Voting API
use the entityapi to create a custom entity type that has view modes, custom fields, its own database table, and views support. no revisions yet.
Provide a status field for taxonomy terms analogous to the status field on nodes. Unpublished terms may only be viewed by users with a special privilege. Taxonomy Term Status also exposes the term status field to Views and Entity API.
The Field API in Drupal core lacks the ability for other modules to easily alter field formatter settings forms and the formatter summaries. This module is a small API provider for other modules since it's too late to get the hooks into core
This module exposes a formatter that prints one image from a multi-value image field. It will allow the same options as the original image formatter plus the possibility of choosing which image to print. Selection must be made using a positive integer where 1 will print delta 0. If the selected image image number doesn't exist, a random one will be chosen.
Retina Images adds an option to all image effects included with core to allow them to output high resolution images for high DPI or retina displays. When enabled as part of an image style, this module returns high resolution images for all devices, as is recommended and explained in Thomas Fuchs' excellent blog post and examples on this subject.
Node Convert adds a menu tab "Convert" on the node view page, i.e. node/1/convert, which gives the ability of converting the node from its current node type to another node type. Also it gives the ability of transfering all the custom CCK field values of the current node type to the destination CCK fields, or discard them. As of 5.x-1.4 you can bulk convert many nodes of the same type, to another one that can be accesed in Administer → Content → Convert Nodes.
This module provides an expandable tree widget for the Taxonomy Term Reference field in Drupal 7. This widget is intended to serve as a replacement for Drupal's core Taxonomy Term Reference widget, which is a flat list of radio buttons or checkboxes and not necessarily fit for medium to large taxonomy trees.
This module provides an expandable tree widget for the Taxonomy Term Reference field in Drupal 7. This widget is intended to serve as a replacement for Drupal's core Taxonomy Term Reference widget, which is a flat list of radio buttons or checkboxes and not necessarily fit for medium to large taxonomy trees.