Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Tummeling is a new-age word that has been co-opted from Yiddish to come up with a word for the skill of stewarding social interactions. Coined by Heather Gold, Deb Schultz and Kevin Marks in their Tummelvision podcast, and now me on this blog.

Where is the video crew in this film?

Mon, 01/02/2012 - 06:43 -- rprice

The Kogeto is an exciting piece of hardware for any video geeks our there: It films in a full 360ª panorama, and comes with special software to be able to upload and view the video. They also have an iPhone version. Watching this video just now, I see that there are a ton of new tricks that can be employed when filming "in the round". However, I have a similar thought every time I watch one of Disney's 360 films at Epcot: where is the film crew? Unless they are laying on the ground under the camera. Where is the director?

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