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Using Apache and SELinux Together | Drupal Watchdog

Sat, 11/15/2014 - 13:04 -- rprice

SELinux provides confinement on an application if the application has been hacked, even if the application is running as root. If policy says the Apache process is only supposed to read Apache content, then even if a hacker gets uid = 0 (the root user), he will not be able to turn it into a spam bot; he will not be able to read credit card data in your home directory; and he will not be able to destroy log files. The hacked process will only be able to act as an Apache process.


Apache v2.4 Released : The Apache Software Foundation Blog

Tue, 02/21/2012 - 11:00 -- rprice

Numerous enhancements make Apache HTTP Server v2.4 ideally suited for Cloud environments. They include:
• Improved performance (lower resource utilization and better concurrency)
• Reduced memory usage
• Asyncronous I/O support
• Dynamic reverse proxy configuration
• Performance on par, or better, than pure event-driven Web servers
• More granular timeout and rate/resource limiting capability
• More finely-tuned caching support, tailored for high traffic servers and proxies.

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