Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

SXSW 2009? Turn Your Old Media Empire into a New Media Paradise

Tue, 08/12/2008 - 10:51 -- rprice

Question mark is because we proposed the talk, but it's up to the people to decide whether they'd like us to present...

The form we filled out had lots more info on it, but here's what the site says:
Turn Your Old Media Empire into a New Media Paradise

Companies that have been at forefront of the publishing revolution, before the days of the internet, have recently found themselves behind the eight ball. While they struggle with their digital strategy, smaller leaner companies have been capturing their traditional audience on the web. However, many of these companies forget that the ability to create compelling engaging content is their greatest asset. Instead of placing their focus on pages views, they should be placing it on the pages themselves. This presentation will show how we used Drupal and other open source technologies to to transform a couple of 100 year old magazines into fresh and relevant web 2.0 destinations - from both a technical and philosophical perspective.

The whole deal is, Content is King, but media companies are withholding their content from their audience, because they don't want to cannibalize their print business (or insert traditional medium here). Eric (@xentek) and myself (@liberatr) are proposing this topic, so vote, comment, or otherwise show us some love.

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