Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

Analog Artist Digital World: The Audacity of Play

Wed, 08/08/2012 - 23:31 -- rprice

McDaniel imagined the piece in giant format on the Urban ReThink wall and, in particular, the reaction it might trigger in his niece. Yet, upon seeing his first Photoshopped rendering, Spath quickly dismissed its authenticity. “It’s not real.”

McDaniel held fast to his vision of the giant googly-eyed girl on the wall. In the weeks that followed, he came to see the possibility of the piece as a perfect complement to the Urban ReThink environment—a constant reminder of the spirit of play and possibility, bringing together collaborators from multiple disciplines, not to mention generations.

The Audacity of Play is a 10'x10' expression of the piece created by Orlando artist, Carolyn Schultz. The larger-than-life mural features functional googly eyes concocted by Urban ReThink resident creative, Kathryn Neel, and empowered by Zach from Hicks Electric. The small crayon drawing by GraciAnn is on display on a small pedestal in front of the mural. A remote control inflated fish floated throug