Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Drupal Easy

Wed, 01/23/2008 - 13:23 -- rprice

A while ago, Charlie and I were talking about how we could share our love of Drupal with the rest of the world. Our natural desires to create original content and extend the reach Cervo Systems helped us develop the idea for a website, a podcast and a community around making Drupal accessible to people with no knowledge of programming.

Welcome Drupal Easy to our family.


Facebook, the Devil, and Me (historic)

Thu, 11/29/2007 - 20:35 -- rprice

Think back to two years ago - had you heard of the Facebook? If you were in college, you most certainly had. When I returned home on a trip from Michigan for a fraternity convention, all of my friends asked "are you on facebook?" and seemed shocked that I was only on LiveJournal and MySpace... they were ALL on facebook, and they were all friends from the first time they'd met. It was the "real" Second Life. After lots of "no, I don't have a school e-mail", I found that Nathan had two school emails, so he let me use one.

Bug Labs, Chumby, Neuros, Netvibes, Facebook

Tue, 07/31/2007 - 09:27 -- rprice

Bug Labs, Chumby, Neuros, Netvibes, Facebook -- what do they all have in common? Open platforms.

Bug Labs is developing BUG, an open, modular, consumer electronics web services hardware platform. Designed for the general audience, not just the technically inclined, BUG is intended to bring to the world of hardware gadgets what the Internet, open source, XML and web services have brought to the world of software and media.


If Digg is Mob Mentality, Pownce is a Clique

Sat, 06/30/2007 - 09:12 -- rprice

I recently posted a comment on Mashable I'd like to share with you, my subscribers. The post was Rise of the Rose Bashers? and it pointed out people who have never used Kevin Rose & company's new IM/filesharing service, Pownce.


Florida Creatives Happy Hour 6/18

Fri, 06/15/2007 - 04:11 -- rprice

Third week of the month, the two events we host come around, and I blog/email/post the hell out of it! First of all is likemind.orl at Lake Eola Panera Bread, that happened already this morning, but it happens every month. Alex Rudloff and Ryan Price (that's me) host this event for... well... anyone in Orlando!



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