Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

Liberatr Goes Green

Wed, 11/08/2006 - 04:33 -- rprice

My friend Gina Riggio and I have begung publishing a new show over at called Shrink Your Ecological Footprint. This show was born out of her appearances on my other show, You Can't Spell Crapface Without PFA. Gina and I hope to give people some tips for lessening the dent they make to our home, as well as starting a dialog with people about what's going on around the world. At no point do we claim to know everything, we just want to share.

This show is a bit of a mixed bag, but I'm sure topics will get more structured as we begin to bring in guests and Gina starts her videos of farms and communities around Phoenix. My first thought on the show was that it was really about life hacking, we'll see how well that is accepted.


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