Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


When was the last time you favorited a tweet?

Mon, 06/29/2009 - 03:05 -- rprice

A few days ago I was listening to @davewiner and @jayrosen_nyu on their Rebooting the News podcast, and dave was talking about his 40tweets app.

40twits takes a look at the stats for the shortened URLs you post to twitter and decides which ones are most popular, then displays them in order. Dave's current top link as about Wikipedia and Michael Jackson.


Howto Choose a Mac Voice Recorder for Podcasting

Thu, 09/18/2008 - 18:21 -- rprice

Every so often, I will get something that is mass-emailed to hundreds of people that I'm sure I can provide a very deep and useful answer to. Today's challenge is a Mac-compatible voice recorder that can record phone calls, but be flexible enough to handle recording interviews that will later be the basis for print work AND apparently for possible release as a podcast. Yikes! That is a very flexible recorder! Therefore, my options were fairly narrowed-down. Here was my response:

You mean physically connects to the phone? Is it important to do it on an actual handset?


Did you get enough Fringe Crush?

Sat, 05/31/2008 - 06:42 -- rprice

This year I thought I'd employ a bit of science to my Blogging of Fringe - I was worried the site had turned into all Fringe Crush, all the time, and completely about local acts instead of National and International. I was mostly right.

Here are some handy graphs to point out why we suck:
Fringe Crush Wins
Here we see Text only posts at 10%
VoiceMail Reviews and audio at 13%
Any non-Fringe Crush videos at 37%
Fringe Crush takes it home with 41%



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