Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities



Calendars for All Occasions - my 2013 Florida DrupalCamp talk

Fri, 10/04/2013 - 15:25 -- rprice

Back in April we had our 5th Florida DrupalCamp, which was a really awesome event organized by a huge team of volunteers. I had a talk about putting Calendar information in Drupal, which is kind of my thing.

I actually started with some Q&A, which is a Tummeler's way of doing it. I tried to speak to a pretty low common denominator, and I really appreciate that someone was able to record and upload these.


Putting on a Kickass Talk Like a Pirate Day Party

Sat, 09/17/2011 - 13:05 -- rprice

As International Talk Like a Pirate Day is coming up, I am in the midst of my annual preparations for our 3rd Pirate Party. This year is probably the most organized we've been about the affair. I've learned a few things in the past few years putting on these events, so I thought I would share some tips here for making your party a success.


How to: New Google Analytics Widgets & Dashboard

Sat, 09/17/2011 - 11:02 -- rprice

The most popular (and free) system for web analytics has got a new interface, so I decided to give a quick tour of the home screen and share three widgets I like to use to get an overview of the activity on my websites.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but these are things I am interested in right now:


Streaming Music from a NAS at Home to an Android Phone

Sat, 06/25/2011 - 15:05 -- rprice

I have a huge music collection that I digitized years ago that I don't / can't carry around with me everywhere. I have been keeping my files on a Network-Attached Storage (NAS) device I picked up on rebate - basically some hard drives connected to a low-powered computer with a network cable. I've been looking for a way to play tunes when I'm out in the yard weeding or gardening, or when I'm halfway across the globe. Following is a summary of how I got it to work.


How to Sync Bookmarks, Pin Tabs and more in Firefox 5

Wed, 06/22/2011 - 09:56 -- rprice

Mozilla has promised to put out several new versions of Firefox this year, I guess they are taking a little bit more of a Google Chrome path, to release quickly, and innovate. They have some really great stuff in their Mozilla Labs, which I have blogged about before.

Here is a quick one about connecting Firefox Sync with your mobile phone or other computers:


Comparison of eBook Readers for Mac: ePUB

Thu, 09/02/2010 - 16:39 -- rprice

At the beginning of the year, I bought an ebook in PDF format, and wrote a post about my adventures trying to get the layout to STAY THE SAME on my Mac. Today I bought a book in ePUB, by the subject of my most recent post, Jeremy Keith. The book is published by one of my favorite websites, A List Apart, and it's their first venture into publishing.


Design Principles of HTML5: Jeremy Kieth Keynote Video

Thu, 09/02/2010 - 09:06 -- rprice

Are you curious about HTML5, and how it REALLY affects the future of the Internet? Long-time web design leader Jeremy Kieth recently gave a keynote presentation on HTML5 during the 2010 Drupalcon in Copenhagen, but don't worry, this video will be useful even for non-Drupal web designers and developers.



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