Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

Mr. A for Effort 3/27: 1938 Media

Tue, 03/27/2007 - 15:33 -- rprice

Ryan Price with a Beard gives a shout out to Loren Feldman from and a handful of people on my personal A-List. I also reveal my discovery of and therefore part of the inspiration to start my own group is thanks to Loren. How crazy is that?

I thought about using R*vv*r to post this video, but when you even post their URL in MySpace it comes out like ... instead of what it should be, and I occasionally re-post to MySpace. For Orlando Scene TV it is worth the effort, but not for these.

For the uninitiated, here are the Alex and Gavin I name check in the video - they do cool stuff like Emurse and the pop-ification of Twitter. If you don't know Josh Hallet yet, just go subscribe to his blog - don't think twice. He put on the BlogOrlando UnConerence, which was a huge pot-stirring event here in town.

Loren and I also have another very obvious thing in common: "" --,, eh? Keep up the good work, man


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