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BlogOrlando >>> WordCampOrlando, more events = more specialization = more awesome

Fri, 06/12/2009 - 02:47 -- rprice

The spring has kept me busy, so I haven't been able to read every blog post on my RSS reader. However, the recent announcements around WordCampOrlando made me wonder what Josh had to say about it.

BlogOrlando 2009 from Josh Hallet's blog:

After a great deal of consideration I have decided not to host a big, public BlogOrlando this year.
It is the complete end? No. I may still hold a small private event this year, or may think about hosting an event in 2010. We'll see.

2 years ago, I talked about doing PodCampOrlando, but the farthest we got was a happy hour and photowalk (lately I've been using the site to teach people how to do stuff in Drupal). Honestly, the social media wave tends to hit Orlando a year or two after the West Coast, so while a small and intimate PodCamp would have been fun, it was hard to get the podcasters, videobloggers, and especially the news media to sign on for something like that.

BlogOrlando was serving many of those folks very well, but now there may be some room in the Orlando calendar to explode what was BlogOrlando into a WordCamp, PodCamp, PR-unconference, SocialMediaClub, etc.

There are a lot more podcasts being produced in Central Florida than there were in 2006, and the ones that are still around from those days aren't going anywhere.

Would you come to a PodCamp? What presentation would you give, or what discussion would you like to have? Do you understand what a PodCamp is?


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Definitely I would come to a PodCamp! I'm going to miss BlogOrlando since Josh isn't putting it together this year.

I would love to take part in or lead lots of discussions...monetization (doesn't everyone want to talk about that?), philosophy (should podcasts aim to imitate traditional media in form and quality or be something completely different?), and the latest equipment and resources that are available.