A few years ago at the second Orlando Puppet Festival, I was trying to sell Heather Henson on the idea of my podcasting about the festival becoming official. Needless to say, she's super-busy running the festival, and we don't have time to get into all the ins and outs of podcasting, so she asks me to give her a sample. The next time I see Heather I hand her a CD, and she's grateful for the ability to time-shift her decision-making process.
The following day I see her, she's a bit frustrated with me, because she says "I put this in my car and nothing happened, you gave me a bad CD!" Oops! Not the case, in fact it was a collection of every podcast I'd released to date - totaling around 80 hours of audio, or about enough to fill 60 regular CDs. "They're MP3's" I said, "Normally you'd have to spend hours downloading them all, and I've saved you the trouble!" Heather retorts, "But how do I know where to start?" She didn't like having the entire library of congress and no card catalog (OK, not the ENTIRE library, but still...).
This brings me to an interesting point I haven't dwelled much on in the past year and a half. How do we begin to introduce people to something like, let's say Lady Raptastic, which has more than 80 hour-long episodes by itself, not to mention all the other shows Mark Baratelli produces. I suppose the old adage "You're only as good as your last [whatever]" may come into play here, but that's just not how it is with blogs and most podcasts.
I was having a conversation with someone at BarCamp about this very subject. She was getting into blogging based on a few pokes by her friends, and she was worried about writing something relevant. I told her "The magic of blogging doesn't happen in an instant, you sort of fall in love 5 minutes at a time."
I don't really know where else to go from here, but suffice it to say there will likely be a "part 2" of this post, and perhaps more. I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'd especially like to see what the 200+ attendees of BlogOrlando have to say about the subject.
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