Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Object Oriented Programming 101 | Drupal Watchdog

Thu, 06/19/2014 - 06:26 -- rprice

after a decade as a procedural application with procedurally-minded developers, the transition from an all-procedural to a mixed object-oriented/procedural system is likely to be bumpy, especially for developers who are still new to object-oriented code. While a complete treatment of the entirety of object-oriented programming (OOP) would more than fill this entire magazine, a firm grounding in the concepts and syntax of OOP should fit in just a few pages.


The Top 10 Web Design Mistakes of 1999

Thu, 06/19/2014 - 06:25 -- rprice

1. Breaking or Slowing Down the Back Button 2. Opening New Browser Windows 3. Non-Standard Use of GUI Widgets 4. Lack of Biographies 5. Lack of Archives 6. Moving Pages to New URLs 7. Headlines That Make No Sense Out of Context 8. Jumping at the Latest Internet Buzzword 9. Slow Server Response Times 10. Anything That Looks Like Advertising


Platform | The continuous delivery cloud by Commerce Guys

Tue, 06/17/2014 - 08:42 -- rprice is a powerful cloud hosting solution with an optimized development-to-production workflow, enabling Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery during development, at launch, and throughout a site's life. Unique snapshot technology enables cloning at the speed of thought, completely replicating full-stack environments into new branches on demand in a moment.


Escape Admin |

Wed, 06/11/2014 - 04:53 -- rprice

This is a Drupal 7 backport of the functionality added to the revamped toolbar: #787896: Add a link so that administrators can return to their most recently visited non-admin page which adds a 'Back to site' button when the user has clicked on an administration URL from a non-administration page. The 'Back to site' link will persist until the user returns to a non-administration page.


What can the WordPress community learn from the State of Drupal? | Open Parenthesis

Mon, 06/09/2014 - 13:32 -- rprice

WordPress can help retain the Open Web. I was disheartened to hear Dries say basically we can’t stop the open web from closing. I don’t disagree with him about the increasing dominance of a few key players in our daily lives online, but I think the antidote to that is the continued presence of many smaller players, enabled by technologies like WordPress. The IndieWebCamp movement, BarCamp, and WordCamp all suggest to me a strong and vibrant future for the truly open web.


Never Fall for a Custom CMS. Ever.

Sat, 05/31/2014 - 05:47 -- rprice

There is NO benefit to you in being talked into using a custom CMS which is hosted and controlled by a web development shop. DO NOT AGREE TO THIS. EVER. We’re seeing this again and again: an earnest client is talked into letting a web development shop build their site on an in-house CMS, which the dev shop hosts. It’s an “end-to-end” solution, they’re told. It’s all a myth. I’m going to go one step further: Any web development shop that tries to talk you into this is being reckless or naive at best. At worst, they’re being unethical.


View Mode Page |

Fri, 04/18/2014 - 15:18 -- rprice

Create separate pages for different view modes for a given content type. On the manage display page for a given content type, you can assign patterns for view modes so that they will become a page at the given path. For instance, if you want to show the teaser at a specific URL, you could do node/%/teaser. If you also use Display Suite or other modules that allow you to create new view modes, you can use these modes to display one or more fields from a node at a separate URL.



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