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Announcing the Drupal 8 Accelerate Program | Drupal Association

Tue, 12/09/2014 - 07:23 -- rprice

we are not deciding WHAT gets funded. This gets handled by the branch maintainers, keeping the Association on the right side of the “we don’t direct the project” line. The Drupal 8 Accelerate program is a fantastic opportunity for the Association to support and amplify community efforts. All of our favorite work at the Association follows this model - DrupalCon session selection, Community Cultivation Grants, Global Training Days, and DrupalCamp Fiscal Sponsorship to name a few. We’re here to make it easier for you to innovate, and this program is yet another example.


Create a Drupal 8 block in seconds | Flocon de toile

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 12:50 -- rprice

Generate a block module using console project by answering a few questions. we must indicate in which module we will generate the code (in our example, our module entitled example, original eh?). Then we define respectively the block name, label and ID. We also have the ability to associate a form with the block that will allow us to associate specific fields. In our example, we create a text field that will contain the welcome message.


Entity validator |

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 07:49 -- rprice

One of your modules can create a node object without any title or a language and you don't want that. Similar to the Restful module that handle each field in a separate method(s) you can define a plugin and set methods to validate the object you'r dealing with. For more examples you can the Entity validate example module and look on the test and how to interact with the API of the module.


saitanay/force_fct · GitHub

Tue, 12/02/2014 - 14:14 -- rprice

This module provides a Drush Command to delete expired cache_form entries. This drush command is meant to be configured as a cron tab to take care of purging cache_form table. Usage: drush ffct : Deletes expired cache_form entries. Limits to 1000 by default. drush ffct 2500 : Deletes 2500 expired cache_form entries. FAQ: 1) But there is already safe_cache_form_clear module. Why this one? Because safe_cache_form_clear module does NOT build the query in the most optimal way.


Using Apache and SELinux Together | Drupal Watchdog

Sat, 11/15/2014 - 13:04 -- rprice

SELinux provides confinement on an application if the application has been hacked, even if the application is running as root. If policy says the Apache process is only supposed to read Apache content, then even if a hacker gets uid = 0 (the root user), he will not be able to turn it into a spam bot; he will not be able to read credit card data in your home directory; and he will not be able to destroy log files. The hacked process will only be able to act as an Apache process.


Views arguments in filters |

Sat, 11/01/2014 - 13:53 -- rprice

This module helps reducing these two problems, by introducing a new way of handling arguments. Using the "Views arguments in filters" module, you can use placeholders when configuring filters, like so: Node: Title CONTAINS %1 Node: Post date >= %2 Where %1 and %2 is the standard replacement patterns used to fetch the values for input argument %1 and %2.



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