Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Stop with the same |

Fri, 06/08/2012 - 10:12 -- rprice

When there are 2144 members of the New York Drupal community, why was I the only woman in the room?* If we assume that the community mirrors the national average**, 25% of technology jobs are held by women. That would mean that there are 536 women in the group.

There were 45 people there last night
44/1608 or 2.73% of men attended the meetup
1/536 or 0.18% of women attended the meetup


Stacking Up Drupal | Drupal Watchdog

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 13:49 -- rprice

Drupal is not a page management system but a content management system. That may seem obvious, but it's actually an important distinction; Drupal doesn't think in terms of pages but in pieces of content. Not every page that will be displayed is a piece of content, and not every piece of content will have a page.


Filter/Search on multiple fields with Views 3.x | Midwestern Mac, LLC

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 12:44 -- rprice

Use the Computed Field module to create yet another field stored in the database, combining the two (or more) fields you want to search, then expose a filter for that field instead of both of the individual fields. (I don't like this because it duplicates content/storage, and involves an extra module to do so).


Migrating old HTML files into Drupal | Four Kitchens: the Drupal experts

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 12:10 -- rprice

The migration we’ll setup will specifically target the hxxxx.html files, as it’s a pretty common requirement to migrate hundreds or thousands of semi-structured files like this.

The main workhorse is the extremely well-architected Migrate module. If you haven’t yet discovered the wonders of it’s elegant abstraction and flexibility, my suggestion is to watch the presentations on the project page to gain a firm understanding of how it works. I won’t go into the basics here, as I’m going to cover only tips related to importing static HTML.


Impending Drupal Site Launch? Use the List | Zivtech

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 11:50 -- rprice

Every team wants their deployment process to be as close to a gentle push into deep waters as possible. At Zivtech we've launched many Drupal sites, and have compiled a checklist that we use to help things stay snag-free. We typically run through the checklist several days before launch, once the site is already on its production server(s). It ensures we didn't miss anything critical to a live site and reminds us to change settings that are appropriate only during the development cycle. This list is geared toward Drupal 7 sites but can be used for earlier versions with little difference.


How to Display One Value from Two Fields in a Drupal View | Urban Insight Blog

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 11:47 -- rprice

Using Empty Text

There is a situation where one field of a Drupal View needs to pull its content from two fields (aka cck fields) of a node. In my case, they were default author field and a custom field called contributor. This example uses Drupal 7 and Views 3.

If optional the contributor field was not empty, it would display the contributor and skip the author field. If there was no contributor, then the author, which cannot be optional, would be displayed by default.


brantwynn's sandbox: Bean Tax |

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 07:58 -- rprice

* Choose a range of content types and taxonomy vocabularies.
* Results are sorted by relevance (number of matching terms).
* Select which node view mode to use for results display.
* Define a set number of results shown (defaults to 5).
* Results can be shown as a cycle slideshow. (
* Optional "More link" can be appended to the bottom of the bean.



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