5 Essential Firefox Plugins for Web Developers
Since I have a new job, I had to sit down at a fresh installation of Windows today and get my machine developer-ready. I already miss the Dock and Transmit and the Terminal, but I'll deal.
UPDATE: Today (7/14) I sat down to a new MacBook Pro and had to repeat the process... hooray!
One thing I noticed was my reflex-like action to go download 4 5 plugins no web developer should be without. They are, in no particular order:
What's your interest in distributed social networking?
After watching Chris Messina's existential DiSo Interview, I decided to go check out a bit more about the distributed social networking stuff Chris and Steve Ivy have been working on - there are 160+ people on the mailing list now, and hundreds of threads.
Here's a little bit about the DiSo Project:
Lijit Wijit makes a useful Search Landing Page
Open Handset Alliance
It's not exactly the same as Bug Labs, but Google posted it on their YouTube channel... is that why they're calling this a G-phone?
More OpenLaszlo
"Some conference that wants to sell me stuff" has a webcasted talk by David Temkin, Founder and CTO of the Laszlo corporation. For a majority of the time, he talks about why they chose to develop the Laszlo Webtop. It is a philosophy, and like all great arguments in computing, it comes down to philosophy, not technology.
I found said webcast after reading about it on Antun’s Blog, and he found me after my "really positive post" last week.
Dries Buytaert on Drupal | on the luck of seven
Noel Hidalgo is running around the world sleeping on couches, twittering, docu-vlogging and digging up a layer of the new open-source Earth bedrock. By the way, he's accepting donations (I've donated), in the spirit of the movement, just to help him get where he's going.
Forget Flex, Go OpenLaszlo
Bug Labs, Chumby, Neuros, Netvibes, Facebook
Bug Labs, Chumby, Neuros, Netvibes, Facebook -- what do they all have in common? Open platforms.
Bug Labs is developing BUG, an open, modular, consumer electronics web services hardware platform. Designed for the general audience, not just the technically inclined, BUG is intended to bring to the world of hardware gadgets what the Internet, open source, XML and web services have brought to the world of software and media.
BarCamp Orlando: Sept 23rd, 2007
Video by Jason Hawkins. Logo by Meagan Fisher.
At Taste in College Park, Sunday, Sept 23rd, 2007