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Public Relations

Tell those bitches!

Tue, 03/04/2008 - 04:54 -- rprice

Don't you love all those form letters you get about "We can get you to the top of search engines", and "I'd like to buy text links from you"? I know I do, and I'm not alone...

My friend Marc, otherwise known as "marc with a c" to the music community of Orlando, has recently decided to let 'em have it. He was contacted by a chain-lettering, canvassing, music rep from Hitt Music Group.

Here's a sample of Marc's reply from his MySpace blog:


The Second Click and Lijit Search Wijits

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 01:28 -- rprice

If you haven't noticed the lovely Lijit search wijit on the left sidebar here, please leave your feed reader and come check it out. This is a very interesting concept to me - they're taking the Google Personalized Search tools and providing a very user-friendly (and statistical) interface to the tool. A mash-up with a business model? Amazing. I've also read on their blog that they're going to start tracking comments on your sites as well and I suppose integrating that with the other statistics and search metrics you're already getting. Good times.


Caling out Vocus PR

Thu, 06/07/2007 - 05:55 -- rprice

Hello Vocus, On-Demand Software for Public Relations and Government Relations, who are you? You guys have me on some sort of an internal news reader or some such, because I keep getting hits from your site! I don't want to be removed, I'd just like to know who my admirer is so I can shake their hand (physically or virtually). It always seems to be something to do with Fringe, so a Fringe fan, perhaps?

Hello? Anybody home?

Love ya, mean it!

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