Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities

The Creative Independent

Tue, 10/04/2016 - 18:08 -- rprice

The Cre­ative In­de­pen­dent is a re­source of emo­tional and prac­ti­cal guid­ance for cre­ative peo­ple. Our goal is to ed­u­cate, in­spire, and grow the com­mu­nity of peo­ple who cre­ate or dream of cre­at­ing.

Every­thing you read on The Cre­ative In­de­pen­dent will come from artists and cre­ators. This space is re­served for their per­spec­tive. The Cre­ative In­de­pen­dent is ad-free and backed by Kick­starter, PBC.

Each week­day we will pub­lish one in­ter­view or es­say by an artist—in­clud­ing mu­si­cians, au­thors, film­mak­ers, dancers, de­sign­ers, and oth­ers. Con­ver­sa­tions will ex­plore themes like col­lab­o­ra­tion, cre­ative be­gin­nings, the cre­ative process, fail­ure, tri­umph, fear and anx­i­ety, and bounc­ing back. Each artist will also share some per­sonal rec­om­men­da­tions—re­sources that are im­por­tant for con­tex­tu­al­iz­ing their work, good tools for peo­ple who also make things, or sim­ply things they en­joy.