Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


New Ryan Price Media Blog Syndication Feed

Mon, 05/12/2008 - 07:32 -- rprice

I recently tried to sign up for a service to get my feed syndicated, and they complained about my Flickr photos and daily links entries that only appear in the RSS feed - they said entries with repetitive titles feel like spam for their users - I can sympathize. When you're looking at the blog, my links and photos appear in the sidebar, but on RSS, I am aggregating a bit.

Therefore, I have created a syndication-friendly feed for Ryan Price Media:


Falling in Love 5 Minutes at a Time

Fri, 04/25/2008 - 02:28 -- rprice

A few years ago at the second Orlando Puppet Festival, I was trying to sell Heather Henson on the idea of my podcasting about the festival becoming official. Needless to say, she's super-busy running the festival, and we don't have time to get into all the ins and outs of podcasting, so she asks me to give her a sample. The next time I see Heather I hand her a CD, and she's grateful for the ability to time-shift her decision-making process.


Blogging Fringe 2008

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 19:41 -- rprice

My Friends,

As you all know, I've done this Blogging Fringe thing for the past two years. Sadly, this year looks like I'll be pulled in more directions than ever before. I've been up until 2AM every night for weeks on end and I'm not sure when this will stop.

At the same time, I really love the opportunities the Fringe Festival presents to show off some great groups in Orlando and Internationally, and introduce the world to our potential.


Welcome Back, Old Media

Thu, 03/13/2008 - 16:53 -- rprice

Here's a quick follow-up to last night's post.

Earlier today, Ryan Block asked:

Why should I be concerned? People aren’t coming to Engadget to read about gadgets from 2006, or 1996, or 1896 — they’re coming to read about what’s going on today. Still, I love that PopSci, so this is gravy!


Old Media, Welcome to New Media Land

Wed, 03/12/2008 - 17:34 -- rprice

OR "How the battle became a collaboration".

To the Editors of Popular Science:

You win.

Actually, I'm not a quitter, so I'll say this: I've decided that instead of being "versus" each other, some of you Old Media types (can I say Traditional Media? thanks) actually care about your audience. Therefore, we are actually on the same side, you and me. That's why today, I changed the name of my blog to "Ryan Price and the Media". The arc of my story is changing, Act II is beginning (but please wait until the pops are two seconds apart).


BarCampMiami Audio: Podcasting is not about Tools

Mon, 03/03/2008 - 09:52 -- rprice


Download BarCampMiami Audio: Podcasting is not about Tools

Had a great talk of about 35 minutes. I will link to folks' blogs and stuff in a few minutes, but I just realised I hadn't posted this yet. Flash player coming soon too.

Some talking points:



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