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Podcasts Are Bigger Than DVDs

Mon, 04/24/2006 - 20:32 -- rprice

Reposted from Burning Questions:

[A] promising indicator of the success of podcasting is its comparison to... The DVD. Back in 2000, the DVD format, just 3 years old at the time, was declared the most successful product launch in consumer electronics history, outselling the VCR five to one. ...the number of podcasts available online is tenfold that of DVD titles in nearly half the time.


New York Magazine's 6-page Guide to Starting a Monetized Blog

Tue, 02/14/2006 - 06:42 -- rprice

The story of starting a blogging business is not a new one: if you listen to as many podcasts and read as many blogs as I do (which is not a large amount), the formula stares you in the face. There have been covers stories in BusinessWeek that caught huge attention for blogs. Whereas a year ago I would not have been able to say so, my dad now knows what blogging is. So when I tell him I am interested in pursuing blogging for money, he didn't shoot down the idea right away.



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