Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


The A-List Works Harder Than You Do

Fri, 03/23/2007 - 08:07 -- rprice

This guy Loren from 1938 media - which to my knowledge is a meta-blogosphere videoblog endeavor, but different than Irina's GETV - has put out another post that begs to be reblogged. The first exposure I had to these guys was when they had their Chinese correspondent say something about Jason Calacanis and Robert Scoble in Chinese - both of them reblogged it.


Comment Blitz! Sorry.

Tue, 02/20/2007 - 21:24 -- rprice

Wow, I actually got quite a few comments on my posts about MaxCast and Four Eyed Monsters, the Wine Haiku and others, but I have been neglecting my comments queue. I apologize to anyone who left comments. I get so much spam, I think I should get one of those 2 + 2 = ? systems like Mr. Josh Hallet.

If you're a blogger, what has worked for you? How do you fight the forces of evil?



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