A Very Dem-Centric Way To Hack The Publishing System
Ever since I met Gina, I have been trying to be more hip to the sustainable, green, and otherwise eco-friendly life. It is really hard right now, and it shouldn't be.
Ever since I met Gina, I have been trying to be more hip to the sustainable, green, and otherwise eco-friendly life. It is really hard right now, and it shouldn't be.
My good friend and colleague Mark Baratelli has luanched a video version of his audio podcast "How Do You Feel?" On top of that, he has taken the advice of many of his peers and decided to brand all of his podcasts as "Mark Baratelli Presents" (or so it would seem from this page). Now let's watch the Technorati links roll by...
Thank you for 37 Signals. I've been watching David Heinemeier Hansson's RailsConf 2006 Keynote Address about CRUD and REST, and some of these quotes are great for people who have been in the trenches.
If you're defining a new schema [in Rails], and you want to use composite primary keys, YOU'RE INSANE!
Thanks to Sull on the Coworking mailing list for posting this article. Very cool.
The article defines "Being Space"...
Sociologist Ray Oldenburg coined 'The Third Place' in his 1990 book 'The Great Good Place', and described it as a celebration of the places where people can regularly go to take it easy and commune with friends, neighbours, and whoever else shows up.
Finally, an interactive, on-demand customized service. For some reason, it is only available in Hawaii and only on Time Warner, but it is awesome (if it does what it says it does). Good show.
I have just been saying something that is supported by today's episode of rocketboom for quite some time.
The first half of the video (0:00-2:48) talks about how having a community both contributing and adding value to content creates a much more rich experience than any single entity could provide, then the Frenchman asks, "So you think business could benefit from this type of collaboration?" See the resulting discussion (2:48-5:12).
Who Googles for Google? My new friend from New York, that's who!
google turbocompliance - Google Search
This guy thought it would be good to type google in to google, like the search engine won't work without it...
Does that work for other things?
I just came across the blog at Ibiblio.com after checking out Lyceum, which is an great project I will likely be writing about soon. Apparently the guy who writes the blog has an assignment to do statistics for the Facebook, because he has a whole article just about Freshman usage statistics at a particular school.
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Something's In The Air - AdPulp