Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Hey Mary Gardner, I heard you are getting into Twitter

Fri, 07/18/2008 - 22:03 -- rprice

Shout-outs to Mary Gardner, who happens to be my manager's wife. She is a very cool lady and someone you should all get to know. Here's an excerpt of her blog where she recounts our meeting over lunch today with most of the PHP Team and a couple of project managers:

The Charisma Coach!: Hanging out with the Techies

They’re programmers who have a personal interest in social media as well as doing it for their jobs.


Florida Creatives Jobs Group

Wed, 07/02/2008 - 03:34 -- rprice

Re-posted from New Group: Jobs on

Since the beginning of Florida Creatives, the people have always clambered for a place to post and seek jobs. In the past, I have used the FLCreatives blog for this purpose, or some folks have used the Google Groups list: those days are over.

Florida Creatives Jobs

The ground rules:


Welcome Back, Old Media

Thu, 03/13/2008 - 16:53 -- rprice

Here's a quick follow-up to last night's post.

Earlier today, Ryan Block asked:

Why should I be concerned? People aren’t coming to Engadget to read about gadgets from 2006, or 1996, or 1896 — they’re coming to read about what’s going on today. Still, I love that PopSci, so this is gravy!


Old Media, Welcome to New Media Land

Wed, 03/12/2008 - 17:34 -- rprice

OR "How the battle became a collaboration".

To the Editors of Popular Science:

You win.

Actually, I'm not a quitter, so I'll say this: I've decided that instead of being "versus" each other, some of you Old Media types (can I say Traditional Media? thanks) actually care about your audience. Therefore, we are actually on the same side, you and me. That's why today, I changed the name of my blog to "Ryan Price and the Media". The arc of my story is changing, Act II is beginning (but please wait until the pops are two seconds apart).



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