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My Pipes to Retweet Article as a Video

Thu, 05/28/2009 - 05:09 -- rprice

I've been getting lots of good karma and feedback from people about my retweeting recipe using Yahoo Pipes. In truth, the tutorial can be a bit hard to swallow if you aren't familiar with pipes or a node-based editing system.

Xavier Vespa from Hyve Up has done an easy to follow, step-by-step version of a retweeting recipe based on the content of my original tutorial.



Sat, 02/11/2006 - 19:17 -- rprice

Ryan’s Black Bean Dip:
I make this dip every year for the Superbowl and many other social gatherings. The fresh basil and the green salsa are what make this dip so great. Don’t forget these ingredients at the store. Also, try this as a burrito filling, as a side dish, or even an omlette topping. Don’t think just any chips will suffice. Store brands don’t hold a candle to the excellence of Manny’s, Tostito’s and other thin crispy varieties. “Nacho” chips are not what I had in mind when I invented this dip. Grab some cerveza and enjoy!

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