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Apple drops price of iPhone by $200, gives cookies to the losers

Thu, 09/06/2007 - 17:32 -- rprice

I heard about this yesterday when Apple announced their new line of iPods, including a device that does almost everything the iPhone does except make calls, dubbed "iPod Touch". Today, Steve Jobs wrote an open letter to everyone who's already bought an iPhone that says "tough crap, I'll give you $100 gift card, go away, you bother me." Obviously, the tech bloggers have something to say about this.

Here's my response to Jeremy Harrington's Thoughts on iPhone Price Drop:


Ryan Price vs. Skype, PayPal, Gizmo, Verizon

Sat, 02/03/2007 - 12:27 -- rprice

I have a girlfriend who lives in England. I have a Skype account. Hell, I even have a Skype phone in my Sony Mylo, and I got it mostly because I wanted a more telephone-like experience when talking to my girlfriend. I have, however, not been having a fun time with Skype today, nor my Verizon Wireless phone, nor option number 3, the Gizmo Project. I'm not even going to qualify any of these services with a link.

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