Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


What makes a Coworking space great?

Wed, 06/16/2010 - 04:07 -- rprice

Today I saw a very happy post by CoLab Orlando for getting mentioned on a blog for entrepreneurs. The blog had named Orlando a top city to start a company, and this was a follow-up list of Coworking movements in those top cities. Orlando squeaked by with a grand total of one space describing their offering as coworking.

From 53 Coworking Centers in the Top Cities for Entrepreneurs:


New Year's Reflection

Sun, 01/06/2008 - 19:00 -- rprice

Last night, I talked to (more like was interviewed by) Stephen McKenney Steck, the President Emeritus of the local PBS and NPR affiliates here in town. He was very interested in what I've done and what I'm doing, and he asked me several times to send him links to everything I talked about. While composing the email, I noticed a pattern. I would talk about the project and then I felt compelled to say "but this is what it's really supposed to accomplish". This gets me thinking...



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