Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


SXSW 2009? Turn Your Old Media Empire into a New Media Paradise

Tue, 08/12/2008 - 10:51 -- rprice

Question mark is because we proposed the talk, but it's up to the people to decide whether they'd like us to present...

The form we filled out had lots more info on it, but here's what the site says:
Turn Your Old Media Empire into a New Media Paradise


BlogOrlando, Pleasure Island's Last Hurrah

Wed, 07/09/2008 - 12:55 -- rprice

The dates for BlogOrlando have been announced. Held at Rollins College from Sept 25-27th, with the main event being held on Saturday the 27th (not Friday like previous years). If you haven't been to BlogOrlando yet, it's a really fantastic introduction to the world of blogging, and there should be lots of fun surprises this year. Last year there were some great discussions, and a few keynote presentations by folks like Shel Israel and Chris Huer (google their names).


Giving the client what they need, not what they ask for

Thu, 04/10/2008 - 03:28 -- rprice

Just now I was buying a new domain name because of a misprint in my AXIS interview - it's probably a common mistake, so it was worth the $7.

Anyway, there was an ad for some wannabe-posh restaurant on I-Drive - "Bola". link

OK, seriously, who has a flash website that plays music? With late-90's slideshows?



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