Howto Choose a Mac Voice Recorder for Podcasting
Every so often, I will get something that is mass-emailed to hundreds of people that I'm sure I can provide a very deep and useful answer to. Today's challenge is a Mac-compatible voice recorder that can record phone calls, but be flexible enough to handle recording interviews that will later be the basis for print work AND apparently for possible release as a podcast. Yikes! That is a very flexible recorder! Therefore, my options were fairly narrowed-down. Here was my response:
You mean physically connects to the phone? Is it important to do it on an actual handset?
Book Review: PHP Reference by Mario Lurig
From the very first page, the author of this PHP book lets us know exactly its purpose - to act as an off-line reference to the hundred or so domestic PHP functions one might use in the course of writing software, and a couple of their lesser-used variants.
Ubiquity: Web Services + Microformats + Quicksilver = Mashups (in your browser)
awk magic: renaming batch files
Hmm, somehow, files that should be jpegs have the extension ".null"... ugly!
ls -1 | \
awk -F\. '/.null/ { print "mv " $0, $1".jpg" }' \
| bash
SXSW 2009? Turn Your Old Media Empire into a New Media Paradise
Question mark is because we proposed the talk, but it's up to the people to decide whether they'd like us to present...
The form we filled out had lots more info on it, but here's what the site says:
Turn Your Old Media Empire into a New Media Paradise
Yahoo has a Meme Tracker , WHAT?
Thanks to my Google Alerts, I found out that my latest blog post appeared on the Twitter News channel of a site called, which appears to be a Yahoo-powered memetracker, a-la,,, and scads of others.
Hey Mary Gardner, I heard you are getting into Twitter
Shout-outs to Mary Gardner, who happens to be my manager's wife. She is a very cool lady and someone you should all get to know. Here's an excerpt of her blog where she recounts our meeting over lunch today with most of the PHP Team and a couple of project managers:
The Charisma Coach!: Hanging out with the Techies
They’re programmers who have a personal interest in social media as well as doing it for their jobs.