Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Orlando Fringe Begins!

Fri, 05/16/2008 - 11:35 -- rprice

Last night was the first day of shows for the 2008 Orlando International Fringe Theatre Festival, and I must say the Fringe has got a lot of great stuff going on! So many wonderful shows, both from Orlando regulars and some new folks as well - there's even a show that takes place in the women's bathroom! No matter what happens at this year's festival, you'll be sure to find daily updates at


May is a Kickass Month for Arts Events in Orlando

Wed, 05/14/2008 - 17:31 -- rprice

Why is May such a great month for holding events? Sure, for our Northern friends, it means the end of bad weather, the opening of roller coaster parks, and a change in the scenery as the trees and flowers start to show their summer colors, but here in Florida, it's more like the start of the summer's hot, humid, rainy monotony, the arrival of the tourists, time-share owners, kids on summer vacation, religious zealots protesting Gay Days, and of course, bad drivers in rental cars.


Blogging Fringe 2008

Mon, 04/14/2008 - 19:41 -- rprice

My Friends,

As you all know, I've done this Blogging Fringe thing for the past two years. Sadly, this year looks like I'll be pulled in more directions than ever before. I've been up until 2AM every night for weeks on end and I'm not sure when this will stop.

At the same time, I really love the opportunities the Fringe Festival presents to show off some great groups in Orlando and Internationally, and introduce the world to our potential.


Conversation about Orlando Tech Association

Mon, 04/07/2008 - 12:17 -- rprice happening right now over on Robert Dempsey's blog - he gave some highlights from the weekend at BarCamp and some of the many events and discussions around the idea of forming a technology association in Central/all of Florida.

I obviously had something to say, and I think this conversation is headed in a healthy direction. If you want to get involved, please check out Robert's blog and the subsequent comments.

Here are my words:



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