Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


The Worm Hole

Fri, 03/02/2012 - 05:28 -- rprice

Using Hypertranscripts we can:

Navigate through the media via the text.

Select and play parts of the media by highlighting the relevant parts of the text.

Share parts of the media creating URLs that contain start and end points.

Make our media more discoverable (via search engines)

Make our media more accessible.

More easily visualize the media.

Combine, embed and easily integrate media (using simple tools)


WPRK 91.5FM is not O-ROCK, but it's a cure for what ails ya

Thu, 01/17/2008 - 13:54 -- rprice

Alex Rudloff asks, Why Does Orlando Radio Suck?

I guess I just don't understand the business behind local radio. I'm sure margins are tight and everything is pre-planned and digital now. It just sucks, that's all.

Thank god for my iPod and my tape deck connector.... New school meets the old.

My response:


New Media 'Think and Drink' at Red Light, Red Light Saturday Jan 5th at 5:30pm

Mon, 12/31/2007 - 10:15 -- rprice

More than a year ago, I hatched an idea about uniting the creative communities around Florida under a common banner at a Creative Summit. We are much closer to such an event now, but still so far away. After doing a dance in several directions, we came up with a Think and Drink.

Event Info & RSVP


Orlando Weekly Interview - Thanks Omar

Thu, 05/03/2007 - 17:00 -- rprice

Here's the transcript from my interview with Omar de la Rosa for the Orlando Weekly. It went to print this week on page 30 - the cover story is "Spellbound".

> 1. When did you decide to start this and the other related local-based web
> projects? (like FloridaCreatives)



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