Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


WEEN Live?

Fri, 02/01/2008 - 09:53 -- rprice

Reposted to
I really expected more from this show. I wanted to be on one extreme or the other:

1) Completely abusing the audience, like the story Marc tells about how Gene and Dean won't start the show until someone orders them a pizza.

2) Completely entertaining at every moment, like a Flaming Lips show. There was no stage banter, the guys were very dry on stage - the drummer and keyboardist had more personality than the Ween Brothers.


WPRK 91.5FM is not O-ROCK, but it's a cure for what ails ya

Thu, 01/17/2008 - 13:54 -- rprice

Alex Rudloff asks, Why Does Orlando Radio Suck?

I guess I just don't understand the business behind local radio. I'm sure margins are tight and everything is pre-planned and digital now. It just sucks, that's all.

Thank god for my iPod and my tape deck connector.... New school meets the old.

My response:


What do we make of this? Commercial Sexess?

Tue, 11/20/2007 - 07:53 -- rprice

While doing some surfing today, I came across a videoblog called Body of Art. Apparently this guy is a director working on a film called "Safety First: The Rise of Women". I don't know if there is a real film, but all of these clips intrigue me. They border on tasteless, and if it weren't for the half-dressed women in the shots, I'd almost believe what he was serious about what he was saying. Still, you have to give this guy some credit for owning a great camera, and that dancer in red appears to know what she's doing.

2 Weeks Away from Blogging

Thu, 10/18/2007 - 21:15 -- rprice

I haven't announced this yet, but in an effort to get Petentials launched that much sooner, I decided I was going to take a month off of blogging - it's more like 2 weeks off, 2 weeks in England, 2 more weeks off.

Still, I find that in the past several weeks, between moving downtown, ELLA Fest and Drupal Drupal Drupal Drupal Drupal, I've missed hearing about what's going on with my friends and the people I follow but haven't yet befriended.


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