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2 Weeks Away from Blogging

Thu, 10/18/2007 - 21:15 -- rprice

I haven't announced this yet, but in an effort to get Petentials launched that much sooner, I decided I was going to take a month off of blogging - it's more like 2 weeks off, 2 weeks in England, 2 more weeks off.

Still, I find that in the past several weeks, between moving downtown, ELLA Fest and Drupal Drupal Drupal Drupal Drupal, I've missed hearing about what's going on with my friends and the people I follow but haven't yet befriended.

First post ever (from Blurty) - 4 year blogging anniversary

Fri, 09/21/2007 - 03:30 -- rprice

Today is the 4th anniversary of the day I wrote using blogging software (as opposed to flat HTML files). Blurty was (and is) the "free" alternative to "paid" and "invite only" LiveJournal. My friend Amanda was on Blurty too, and I wanted to keep up with her. In the end LJ won over, and I even transferred all my posts over. I stopped reading LJ altogether earlier this year after I got hard core about podcasting and "pro blogging" or whatever this is.

I'm a BlogOrlando Podcasting Session Leader

Thu, 08/16/2007 - 05:22 -- rprice

In an unconference like BlogOrlando (September 27-29, 2007 Rollins College), there aren't attendees and speakers, but simply participants and discussion leaders. This means that collectively, the people sitting in the audience, or even just one person from the audience, might know more about podcasting than myself. My session on podcasting falls into the "technology track". The other sessions include PR/Marketing, Media, Life/Local, and a keynote by Shel Israel.



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