Miro is stepping it up
Miro player (formerly Democracy) is an internet TV application that works on a subscribe and download model. Some would call it a podcatcher. Others would say it's ready to leave the other podcatchers in the dust.
Miro player (formerly Democracy) is an internet TV application that works on a subscribe and download model. Some would call it a podcatcher. Others would say it's ready to leave the other podcatchers in the dust.
Josh Hallet's recent post lets us know the schedule for BlogOrlando 2007 has been posted. I'm presenting about podcasting from 3:05 - 3:45, at the same time as Participation Marketing by Geoff Livingston and Separating your Lives by Alicia Dorset.
"Some conference that wants to sell me stuff" has a webcasted talk by David Temkin, Founder and CTO of the Laszlo corporation. For a majority of the time, he talks about why they chose to develop the Laszlo Webtop. It is a philosophy, and like all great arguments in computing, it comes down to philosophy, not technology.
I found said webcast after reading about it on Antun’s Blog, and he found me after my "really positive post" last week.
Noel Hidalgo is running around the world sleeping on couches, twittering, docu-vlogging and digging up a layer of the new open-source Earth bedrock. By the way, he's accepting donations (I've donated), in the spirit of the movement, just to help him get where he's going.
We have our own Wiki. It looks just like wikipedia (for now). It has 4 5 pages (for now).
Lighter Footstep is a community site to learn about reducing your impact on the planet, and I recently noticed on their Twitter feed that they’re considering switching to Movable Type from Joomla.
In an unconference like BlogOrlando (September 27-29, 2007 Rollins College), there aren't attendees and speakers, but simply participants and discussion leaders. This means that collectively, the people sitting in the audience, or even just one person from the audience, might know more about podcasting than myself. My session on podcasting falls into the "technology track". The other sessions include PR/Marketing, Media, Life/Local, and a keynote by Shel Israel.
So says Dan Rua in his recent post on Florida Venture Blog:
Demonstrating customer interest jumps an entrepreneur ahead of all the idea-on-a-napkin entrepreneurs who just assume customers will flock to their big idea. However, when institutional investors ask questions about the size of the opportunity, including market size and scalability, referring to current customer interest really doesn't address the question.