Coffee Pr0n with your morning Blogroll
Boing Boing TV is an utterly amazing show. Watch it. Daily.
Flock and Facebook Screencast
Use Yahoo Site Explorer to get Top 10 Pages for your Site
A while back I installed an excellent plugin for Firefox called SearchStatus. In addition to showing me the pagerank and compete score of any page I visit (I think it does Alexa, but I have a different plugin for that), it also gives you this handy right-click menu with lots of neat stuff in it. Most useful was a list of all the pages that Google, MSN and Yahoo! index on your site. For this blog, the list is interesting, but I'm not trying to make a living being me, so I checked out OrlandoScene.TV, my up-and-coming video podcast.
What do we make of this? Commercial Sexess?
While doing some surfing today, I came across a videoblog called Body of Art. Apparently this guy is a director working on a film called "Safety First: The Rise of Women". I don't know if there is a real film, but all of these clips intrigue me. They border on tasteless, and if it weren't for the half-dressed women in the shots, I'd almost believe what he was serious about what he was saying. Still, you have to give this guy some credit for owning a great camera, and that dancer in red appears to know what she's doing.
Veronica Belmont » Console Rundown
OSTV ELLA Music Fest Teaser
I can't agree more... enjoy what you've got
Open Handset Alliance
It's not exactly the same as Bug Labs, but Google posted it on their YouTube channel... is that why they're calling this a G-phone?