Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Tell those bitches!

Tue, 03/04/2008 - 04:54 -- rprice

Don't you love all those form letters you get about "We can get you to the top of search engines", and "I'd like to buy text links from you"? I know I do, and I'm not alone...

My friend Marc, otherwise known as "marc with a c" to the music community of Orlando, has recently decided to let 'em have it. He was contacted by a chain-lettering, canvassing, music rep from Hitt Music Group.

Here's a sample of Marc's reply from his MySpace blog:


If Digg is Mob Mentality, Pownce is a Clique

Sat, 06/30/2007 - 09:12 -- rprice

I recently posted a comment on Mashable I'd like to share with you, my subscribers. The post was Rise of the Rose Bashers? and it pointed out people who have never used Kevin Rose & company's new IM/filesharing service, Pownce.


Florida Creatives Happy Hour 6/18

Fri, 06/15/2007 - 04:11 -- rprice

Third week of the month, the two events we host come around, and I blog/email/post the hell out of it! First of all is likemind.orl at Lake Eola Panera Bread, that happened already this morning, but it happens every month. Alex Rudloff and Ryan Price (that's me) host this event for... well... anyone in Orlando!


Sharing Some Stats

Sat, 06/09/2007 - 07:27 -- rprice

OK, now that the Fringe Festival is long over, and the spike in traffic for Blogging Fringe has come and gone, what do we have to show for it? Not as much as I'd like, really. The fact that lots of our content is spread across other sites (MySpace, YouTube) doesn't really require anyone to use our site to get the content. With this audience, we don't really need to worry about feeds taking away from our traffic.



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