Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Biting the Bullet - I'm just one of Y'all

Tue, 05/22/2007 - 07:06 -- rprice

This post originally appeared on Blogging Fringe and is in relation to that community site in particular, but I think it also applies to any community-driven site I will ever try to build.

OK, so I realised some time today that I alone cannot make all the videos, take all the pictures, do all the blog posts I want to do AND update the MySpace AND write reviews - I think I have 4 or more reviews I want to do, and they might never get the level of attention I think they deserve.

Fringe Explosion

Sun, 05/13/2007 - 19:02 -- rprice

This weekend has been a wee bit crazy. I've been updating Blogging Fringe like a crazy person. No, really. There are almost 80 shows in the festival this year, and I've been attempting to copy and paste several lines of text for each one. I've also got Denna, Kate, Jamie and Emily volunteering to help out. Of course everyone is welcome.


Orlando Weekly Interview - Thanks Omar

Thu, 05/03/2007 - 17:00 -- rprice

Here's the transcript from my interview with Omar de la Rosa for the Orlando Weekly. It went to print this week on page 30 - the cover story is "Spellbound".

> 1. When did you decide to start this and the other related local-based web
> projects? (like FloridaCreatives)


Off to London until 4/30

Tue, 04/17/2007 - 17:39 -- rprice

By the time most of you read this, I will likely be on my way to the airport. I'm flying out on NorthWest (for the frequent flyer miles). Never flown with them internationally, we'll see. I am pulling out my passport at this very moment...right.

If you have friends in London, send them here to the blog and the comments on this post or the contact form, or MySpace.

If you're on Flickr, add me, I hope to be posting photos all along the way.


BlogOrlando: September 28-29, 2007

Thu, 04/12/2007 - 18:31 -- rprice

EDIT: I jumped the gun. If you read Josh's post, you'll know this is a "penciled in" date.

Chances are if you participate in Social Media (especially in Orlando), you have heard of Josh Hallet. Or read a blog he consulted for, designed, even influenced in some way. Last year Josh put together a fantastic UnConference called BlogOrlando. Rollins College was a great space for this event, with two rooms and tons of useful sessions. This year will only be bigger and better from what I understand.


New Server

Sun, 04/08/2007 - 05:46 -- rprice

Earlier this week, I lost 3 months worth of email, to a problem as-of-yet undiagnosed. I had been meaning to get things moved over to our CervoSites hosting (it is our hosting reseller plan), but I was worried the transition wouldn't be smooth... like maybe I would lose all my email!

I am now on the new server and email is running again, but if you sent any important email to < rprice AT > you'll have to send it again, I don't have it.



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