Orlando Video is a Series of YouTubes
Video Blogging
This post went in to my "drafts" during BlogOrlando. Since then I have been reading and writing more blogsand videoblogs. I even made a few of my own.
I made it to the Flock Blog
See for yourself:
Adding Visuals to Your Blog with Flock, Flickr and WordPress Screencast
I also hope Will doesn't mind my saying that he's going to send me a Flock t-shirt for my trouble.
Blogging Orlando Puppet Festival
What else to say? Mad Cow Theatre, from now until Sunday, be there!
Check out the Orlando Puppet Festival Website or MySpace for schedules and links to show info.
I will be posting things to, I think. I guess that's why I invented Art::Meta(), but I think I am going to consolidate channels soon, or at least aggregate, more news at 11.
Adding Visual Interest To Your Blog With Photos
A Very Dem-Centric Way To Hack The Publishing System
Ever since I met Gina, I have been trying to be more hip to the sustainable, green, and otherwise eco-friendly life. It is really hard right now, and it shouldn't be.
Songbird, The Sexiest Jukebox
The Orlando Weekly Is On Notice
Check it out:
Orlando Weekly - Home Page
Notice anything? Me neither. It's like they packed up their snake oil and left town at the first whiff of kerosene.
Are they rebuilding their crappy site? Fixing the broken search engine? Hiring a new staff writer for movies and theater? Who knows?
Actually, that last one was a bit of a joke. The guy who does most of the movie reviews now, John Thomason, is just a lowly contributor, and deserves to be full-time.