Likemind.orl and Drupal
In about 10 hours a group of likeminded folks will get together for good coffee and conversations with friends and strangers. We do this once a month at the Lake Eola Panera Bread.
Coffee Pr0n with your morning Blogroll
Florida Creatives Happy Hour 6/18
Third week of the month, the two events we host come around, and I blog/email/post the hell out of it! First of all is likemind.orl at Lake Eola Panera Bread, that happened already this morning, but it happens every month. Alex Rudloff and Ryan Price (that's me) host this event for... well... anyone in Orlando!
Mr. A for Effort 3/27: 1938 Media
Ryan Price with a Beard gives a shout out to Loren Feldman from and a handful of people on my personal A-List.
likemind.orl - because drinking good coffee with likeminded people is fun
likemind is a syndicated networking event, a bit like Florida Creatives on a national scale, one might say. Whatever it is, Noah has been very helpful and dedicated to making sure their (he and Piers') vision is realized in other cities around the world.
Temporary Insanity
Don't ask me why, but I just wrote a song. I don't write songs, but this one just kind of got stuck in my head and I didn't know who to share it with, so i wrote it down - with chords and everything.
It's about evil Starbuck's Coffee and (partly) how it makes me run to the toilet.
Finally Using My French Press for Coffee
Really, this blog post is an experiment to see how many Gevalia Coffee ads I pull and how much comment spam I get by tomorrow, but just for fun:
Wikipedia answers the age-old question: What is a French Press?