Commanding Chaos for Coworking, Open Source and Creative Communities


Inspiration comes from our Environment

Wed, 07/28/2010 - 09:51 -- rprice

In my past few years trying to create community, I have had to make a lot of decisions, whether conscious or not, about my environment. By environment I mean not only the room I'm sitting in, or the street I'm on, or the neighborhood, or even just the state of the US. I'm also talking about the people around me, individual beings, their companies, organizations, movements and activities. Then there are the memes, which seem to travel on air currents, over IP tubes, or via word of mouth at varying speeds.


Days of Wine and Roses (and Podcasting)

Thu, 03/11/2010 - 09:00 -- rprice

I'm having a day of nostalgia. I was fiddling with a few things over on the Liberatr site (which seems totally redundant now) when I decided to sample a few of the early episodes of You Can't Spell Crapface Without PFA. I was having such a great time, I listened to one of the shows all the way through, and laughed the whole time!


The Second Click and Lijit Search Wijits

Mon, 02/11/2008 - 01:28 -- rprice

If you haven't noticed the lovely Lijit search wijit on the left sidebar here, please leave your feed reader and come check it out. This is a very interesting concept to me - they're taking the Google Personalized Search tools and providing a very user-friendly (and statistical) interface to the tool. A mash-up with a business model? Amazing. I've also read on their blog that they're going to start tracking comments on your sites as well and I suppose integrating that with the other statistics and search metrics you're already getting. Good times.


Drupal Easy

Wed, 01/23/2008 - 13:23 -- rprice

A while ago, Charlie and I were talking about how we could share our love of Drupal with the rest of the world. Our natural desires to create original content and extend the reach Cervo Systems helped us develop the idea for a website, a podcast and a community around making Drupal accessible to people with no knowledge of programming.

Welcome Drupal Easy to our family.


New Year's Reflection

Sun, 01/06/2008 - 19:00 -- rprice

Last night, I talked to (more like was interviewed by) Stephen McKenney Steck, the President Emeritus of the local PBS and NPR affiliates here in town. He was very interested in what I've done and what I'm doing, and he asked me several times to send him links to everything I talked about. While composing the email, I noticed a pattern. I would talk about the project and then I felt compelled to say "but this is what it's really supposed to accomplish". This gets me thinking...



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